A girl I used to know

I’m not gonna turn this tech blog into a thing about me being trans, I have plenty of other outlets for that. However, I’m reblogging this to say, if you ever want to know a thing about being trans, about all that happened with me in the intervening time since I was writing this tech blog previously, you should read Casey Plett. This is a great piece.

Progress Never Stops For Nostalgic Transsexuals - Casey Plett's website

I used to have this friend Sara. She was quiet, she was an alcoholic, she loved drugs, she loved really weird stuff; she kept dead animals in her freezer. She was obsessed with dead things; she wished she was dead so she could be pretty. She was a little older than me, I forget exactly how much. Five-ish years maybe.

I met her in the fall of 2007, when I was re-trying to come out and make moves toward transition. I was 20. Sara’d moved up to Portland and in with a friend, which is how we met, and the first day we did I was wearing a skirt. She thought the skirt was pretty. She was animated about it. She squealed in a way that would have had me eye-rolling years later but back then was like water.

She worked at Victoria’s Secret downtown in the mall. The next time…

View original post 1,900 more words

For the record

this is dumb:

Screen Shot 2016-09-03 at 6.14.47 PM

  1. make a string with the taxonomy slug
  2. make an object with the post type and any other parameters you want to request
  3. add the term to the request object, with the string from step 1 as the key

3 steps to build the request because someone at automatic decided to use dashes in the wordpress.com portfolio taxonomy. I suppose I could equally blame Angular for auto-unwrapping dashes in object keys.  Although there is a second error in wordpress’ architecture, of requiring the term in such a strange GET parameter, instead of in JSON in the request body.

Improved REST API Support for Custom Taxonomies

I kinda gave up on my little angular portfolio project at the end of last year because I couldn’t get the matching portfolio tags & types to go with my portfolio pieces, nor could I retrieve them by those terms. That’s now been fixed, so I’m updating my little project. Honest, I’m not job hunting, boss!

WordPress.com Developer Resources

The WordPress.com REST API has always enabled developers to manage categories and tags for the posts on a site. Until now, however, if a site had enabled any custom post types with custom taxonomies, developers were out of luck if they had hoped to manage custom terms using the REST API.

We’re happy to announce that this is no longer the case, with improved support for custom taxonomies. This includes a handful of new endpoints and enhancements to existing endpoints.

Specifically, you can now…

View original post 120 more words

Revisiting WordPress.com

So, I haven’t actively blogged here since 2007. In the time since, I have:

  • moved to texas
  • gone toobin’ with automattic folks
  • worked as a WordPress developer for 5+ years full time, plus several part time years beyond that
  • quit working with WordPress, to work on better things
  • gotten divorced
  • transitioned my public gender to match what’s in my head/heart
  • changed my name
  • gotten married
  • had my WordPress instance & my employers’ & clients’ WordPress instances hacked a couple dozen times
  • given so few fucks about my own site that I let the hosting lapse and never set it back up again

So that’s where I’m at.

Hi. I’m Amie. You can still call me sunburntkamel or SBK if you want.

I’m currently rebuilding my public-facing site using github pages + WordPress.com’s API. So I’m kicking around here again. The little angular app I’m building is open source, so I’ll be posting about it here, now and again.  Also I’m using the portfolio feature to host all of the images + project descriptions here on WordPress.com, so I’m kicking around in the dashboard anyway, might as well poke my head out.

WordPress is 9 years old

That is shocking to me.  My resume says i have like.. ~6-7 years experience with WordPress.  A recruiter asked me if WordPress had even been around that long.  Sounds shocking, but the math ain’t wrong.  Been 4+ years that WordPress has been my day job…